Tuesday, April 12, 2011


So what is dinner wthout a little dessert!! And when you love Italian food what is the best one?? Oh yeah!!  TIRAMISU!! I adore tiramisu! I made this for my birthday dinner party and it was a big hit so I decided to make it for my mother. To be honest it's not all that difficult to make, it just takes advance preparation and planning.

2 containers marscapone
1/2c sugar
3 eggs, separated
4c strong coffee, cooled
1/2-1c brandy (optional)
cocoa powder for dusting
shaved dark or bitter chocolate

*this makes a small casserole dish

Mix the marscapone, sugar, and egg yolks with a mixer until smooth. In a separate bowl beat egg whites until soft peaks form. Gently incorporate into marscapone until fully mixed.

Put the coffee and brandy, if using, in a shallow bowl and dip both sides of the ladyfingers in the coffee mixture and layer on the bottom of the casserole dish. Pour 1/2 of the cheese mixture over ladyfingers and lightly dust with cocoa powder. Repeat. Refrigerate overnight. When serving sprinkle shaved chocolate on top.

See....I told you it was easy!! Not a complicated or hard process, and tomorrow you get to enjoy delicious decadent tiramisu!! How awesome is that?? Just beware....if you are anything like me, there may not be much left after your first bowlful! I never want to stop when I eat tiramisu. Hope you have more self control than me!!


  1. Yum!! I wanted to eat through the computer screen when I saw these. By the way, brandy should NEVER be optional! haha

  2. You say that now, but waking up and eating tiramisu with brandy at 7am is not such a good thing. but then again i suppose most people would not decide tiramisu would be good breakfast....except maybe us!!

  3. The tiramisu was really, really good. I had to go back for more!
