Tuesday, April 12, 2011

California Pizza Kitchen

Well if you are curious why I have not written in a week, here it is.....San Diego! Yep, San Diego. Once a year we have to take the kids to San Diego for doctor's appointments. Nothing serious, just developmental pediatrician to "make sure the kids still have autism". Stupid huh? It's a fun time where the whole family packs up and drives 6 hours to go eat in restaurants the kids don't like so they scream and fuss the whole time, stay in a hotel room where the kids make too much noise and stomp around causing lovely white noise for our unsuspecting neighbors. We get to take the kids to Sea World and other fun ventures where they may or may not make a scene. Fun times......

So on this particular trip I decided I wanted California Pizza Kitchen. Yes the same company that sells the frozen ones, but its a real restaurant. We ate at one in 2007 for our first San Diego trip and really enjoyed it. Last year I could not locate it and the GPS was no help at all. "You have reached your destination" in vacant parking lots gets pretty old after a while so we gave up. Well this trip I was determined to find it!! And guess what?? I did!! Go me!! It was on the top floor of a new mall.....go figure.

So after toiling all day in the car and walking around Sea World I was pretty stoked I do not mind telling you. While waiting for our table, we decided what we wanted to eat. We started off with Sesame Ginger Chicken Dumplings.

These were pretty good. Considering we got them at a pizza joint they were not bad. The ginger dipping sauce was a little too sweet for me, but overall not bad.

Then for our pizzas we ordered the White Pizza: A combination of Mozzarella, Fontina, Ricotta, Parmesan and Pecorino Romano cheeses with fresh sautéed spinach and garlic and the Sicilian Pizza: THIN CRUST PIZZA: A spicy marinara sauce with sweet Italian sausage, spicy Capicola ham, julienne salami, Fontina, Mozzarella and Parmesan cheeses. Topped with fresh oregano and basil. We got Anthony a pepperoni pizza and Vinnie got grapes....which they cut in half!! Who cuts grapes in half??? So of course Vinnie didn't eat them.

The white pizza was creamy and salty and delicious! The Sicilian was spicy and full of flavor. And after eating a piece of Sicilian, the White was cool and refreshing in your mouth. So overall I was completely excited to have California Pizza Kitchen again!!

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