Saturday, May 21, 2011

The Great Food Truck Adventure!

Me and Alex went on a date last weekend for the first time in a long time. And on this particular outing we decided to go to the Vegas StrEats. This was an outdoor venue located on Freemont Street with some artists and assorted vendors as well as most of the food trucks in the Las Vegas area. I was super stoked!! I mean its gourmet food trucks!! Who wouldn't love that?? So we found a babysitter and fasted all afternoon and took ourselves downtown. There did happen to be a parade going on for the Helldorado Days. And while we were waiting for it to pass by so we could cross the street I happened to see this float......

It is the Tea Party of Las Vegas's float. They were waving flags and giving them out too. I immediately thought about my father and took the shot. Me.....I'm more democrat and a someone loner in politics in my family. But that is not what this blog is about. So for now just food! But after cutting through the parade......hey sometimes a girl has get to get her food truck eating on and this was delaying it significantly!.....we found our parking lot and began perusing our feast of gluttony. The first truck we went to was Haulin Balls. With their selection looming in front of us we finally decided on the Thai balls and the Blue Ball special.

The Thai balls were turkey meat seasoned lightly with Asian ingredients and topped with pickled veggies, cucumbers and a sweet and hot chili sauce. Absolutely fantastic!! Alex's were pulled pork nachos topped with cheese and jalapenos over fresh tortillas. It was pretty good too. So far so good!!

Our second stop was Tasty Bunz. I was looking forward to this one the most. They had the best looking menu online. So we trucked ourselves over there. Unfortunately I have no picture so I will just have to describe them to you. I had the McCheesy, a mushroom infused dough filled with truffled mac-n-cheese. Alex had their special of the day that was filled with ham, cheese, and jalepenos. And then we shared a trio of their deserts: S'More Pots, potstickers filled like s'mores, The Nutty Professor: a take on a peanut butter and jelly with nutter butters, and Deep Fried Oreos. While the food wasn't bad, I wasn't particular happy with it either. On the outside of their savory buns was a light sugar glaze. And it conflicted with the savory ingredients inside the bun. I could barely even taste my truffle mac-n-cheese. And the desserts were just average. But all in all a nice experience.

Our third and final truck, if you can believe it, was Lulu's on the Move. They had some very interesting items on their menu. We were starting to get a little full and decided on dessert. Alex got the Whoopie Pie and I got their Mojito Beignets. And for watching our kids we got our babysitter some beignets and a Helldorado Torta.

The Whoopie Pie was good but the cake part stuck to your fingers every time you took a bite. And of course this bothered Alex! The beignets were to die for! Sweet and sugary with extra powdered sugar on top. If you ate too many you almost went into diabetic shock!! But soooo worth it!!

At this point in our evening we were full. And the area around the event was closed with no interesting vendors or things to look at. So there wasn't much to do between eating which is why we got full so soon. There were a couple of trucks we did not get to eat at that I would have liked. But it comes back next month so we might do it. Then again knowing what it's like we may not. But even if we do not we have some good memories and a nice little menu in my own head!! I have grand schemes of replicating some of these delicious meals in the coming blogs!! So stay tuned to see how you can make them too!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm SOOO glad that you were able to go sans kids! I love the food trucks and their catchy names. There is one here in Miami called "Miso Hungry"..hehehe... The trucks here are mainly focused on burgers and cupcakes.....I would have LOVED to go to the Vegas edition. I'm glad that you guys have fun!
