Friday, May 20, 2011

Brussel Sprout Salad

This is a recipe that I am afraid has become something of a specialty and must have in part of my family. I made this a couple of Thanksgivings ago and everyone loved it. And now I believe I will be expected to make it every holiday. However, if any of you are reading this now.....not gonna happen! LOL! I do not like getting stuck into things I have to make. It takes the fun out of life. Don't get me wrong I love this dish as much as the next person, but I do not make the same thing twice in a 6 month period and on holidays I do not like to make the same side dishes. I may make it another time or two if there is enough pressure, but I would like to venture out of the family comfort zone and let them try some new crazy dishes!! Perhaps we can persuade Melinda to continue making them!! (Yep, I threw you under the bus Melinda!!)

But enough of my crazy family....back to the recipe at hand. I made this to bring something new and fresh to my family Thanksgiving dinner and I could not have imagined the intense positive feedback I got from it! They LOVED it!! So what is this magical recipe? It is brussel sprouts. I am sure at this point you are cringing at the thought of eating something in your mind you remember as brussel sprouts. Well I guarantee you have never had brussel sprouts like these before. And even if you do not like brussel sprouts or even cabbage you will like this dish. How do I know?? I hate cabbage. I am not thrilled with brussel sprouts and I love this recipe. The thing that sets it apart is the quick cooking, the leaves all torn off the head of the brussel sprout, and the other wonderful flavors that are incorporated into the salad.

Brussel Sprout Salad:
3/4lb brussel sprouts, ends trimmed and halved
1/4c bacon, diced before cooking
3 cloves garlic, minced
1/3c fresh breadcrumbs
2T pine nuts or walnuts
1/4t salt
1/8t pepper
1/2ounce shaved Asiago cheese or Parmesan cheese

Take your halved brussel sprouts and peel the outer leaves off. Once you reach the small core cut in half. Continue this process with every brussel sprout. Trust me, this is worth the effort!

If you dice the bacon before cooking it the bacon cooks quicker and more evenly. Heat a skillet on medium heat and cook bacon until crispy. Drain on a papertowel. In the bacon fat, saute the garlic for a minute. Add the breadcrumbs and cook another minute. Add the nuts and cook until the nuts are toasted and the breadcrumbs are golden brown. Transfer mixture to a small bowl.

Heat 1/2t oil in skillet. Add the brussel leaves and cores to the pan. Season with salt and pepper. Cook 8 minutes or just until leaves wilt and the cores are crispt-tender, stirring frequently so as not to burn. Add back in the garlic mixture and the bacon. Toss together until warmed through. Turn off the heat and sprinkle your cheese over the top.

And it is just that simple! And heavenly. And if you try this for company they will think you a culinary hero. So my advice? Go to the store today and try it! Or perhaps hold it in your repertoire until a big occassion arises and then pull out the big guns!! Hopefully your family and friends enjoy it as much as mine do!

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