Friday, September 30, 2011

Winner of Bertolli giveaway is.........

I have received all the answers and am ready to name a winner. But first I will prolong the agony (for those who do not read ahead like I would) and tell you the answers to todays questions.

1.  This is an excellent resource for spices. But the best part is they typically offer a free product of significance with purchases over $20. I have received 10 Madagascar vanilla beans free before. And Spanish superior grade saffron. But on top of their deals they also provide you, no minimum required, to receive a free 1oz sample of any product they have on their website. I assume this is to get you hooked, but still....its fun to try out new stuff like that.

2. Top Chef. I currently own all the seasons out on DVD. I just wish they would put out the first 3 seasons on DVD.

3. Alex's Grandmother. To be fair, she got it from her husbands mother. But it is printed on a cannoli form box. Cool huh?

4. I accepted any answere that pertained to homemade stock. Heres the reason. I thought in one of my blogs I had stated the key to a good broth soup. But when I looked back, after writing and posting the Day 5, I put asterisks and stated it was a secret ingredient. But if it ever comes up.........lemon zest......shhhhhh our little secret!!

So heres how the scores stacked up

1st: Eddy                                                          18pts
2nd: Veronica                                                    16pts
3rd: Ashley                                                       14pts
4th: Bobbie                                                        13pts

So Eddy is the winner!! Congratulations! I will be sending Bertolli your address and they will be sending out your free kit. I hope you enjoy it like I am going to enjoy mine!

I want to personally thank you guys for playing. It kinda strokes my ego a little bit to think that yall would care enough about me to play this silly little game for a small giveaway. It shows you care. And I do not want yall to think it goes unnoticed. I just hope one day I can return the favor by stoking your ego someday!

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