Sunday, April 1, 2012

Garden Update

Well now that is is officially spring I thought I would share my progress on my garden. As you know we built the on the ground structure and then planted sugar peas, broccoli, cauliflower, and potatoes. Everything is really growing. The broccoli seemed to stop growing and since it was time to plant peppers, I decided to call that a growing lesson in gardening.

The sugar peas almost didnt make it. They got really withered looking and started shriveling up. My dad said it was due to the high heat for those plants. But the day I went to pull them out of the ground I noticed pods on them! Go figure. So I let them go a few more weeks. We didnt get but maybe 18 pods out of the garden that were edible and me and Anthony ate most of those after picking. But there were some pods with large peas inside that were very bitter. So I pulled them off the plants and took out the pea and dried it to try again next year. After pulling up my sugar peas I planted some purple beans my grandmother gave me. There is nothing to show for them but I only did it this week. So the blank spot in the back of the garden is the purple beans. I hope they turn out!!
My cauliflower has only just started to take off. And I cannot tell if I see some formation of a head inside the leaves or not. But I am excited that 3 of them survived.
The potatoes have just kept growing more and more every day. I am waiting for about another month before checking on them. I think they should flower but I am not 100% on that. I am still new at all of this and learning as I go along.

Since I pulled up the broccoli you may be wondering what I planted that was so important. Well peppers of course!! I planted some sweet banana peppers, red and green bell peppers, jalapeno peppers and poblano peppers. Although you would not believe how hard it is to find a poblano plant. So far I have only found one! I am very excited about those.

Now my boxed garden is full. But I wanted to grow more stuff. So we found these very lovely, but heavy, half whiskey barrels at Home Depot that we decided would look lovely on our back porch. So I have 2! One barrel has 2 blueberry bushes that have taken off. They already have at least a pint of new blueberries growing on the limbs. My dad was quite suprised a few weeks ago when he saw them. And everything I read told me that a blueberry bush would produce the first year but not a lot. But these seem to be scary good and blooming and producing berries. So heres to hoping!

In the other barrel I planted 2 cherry tomato plants. I am not a big tomato fan. For that matter neither is Alex. Why then did we plant tomatoes? I am at this particular moment reminded of a scene from Steel Magnolias where Ouiser brings in bags of tomatoes stating matter of factly that she does not eat them and that everyone must take a bag. When questioned why her response was somewhere in the neighborhood of "Because Im a southern woman and we are suppose to wear funny clothes, and funny hats and grow things in the dirt." However as much as this might apply to the tomato situation, my son Anthony adores tomatoes. He always has. So I planted some cherry tomatoes for him to snack on! Lets hope they turn out well!

The last two thins I planted were cucumbers and strawberries in hanging baskets. I have some green strawberries on my plants so that is encouraging!

And the cucumbers have gotten so big its unbelievable. I planted 4 small plants to my basket and am hoping that I do not have to take one out for room. But this will hopefully allow my cucumbers to grow on the sides of the basket and maximize my space around the house.

Overall I am very happy with the results. They seem to be growing and blooming and doing everything they should be doing. I hope this means I have inherited some of my family's gardening genes. In Vegas we tried several plants that ended up as a disaster. In hindsight I think I might know all the reasons they failed. But perhaps I can become a good gardener. I am keeping a weekly journal to help me in the seasons to come. I hope everyone enjoyed looking at my garden like I enjoy looking at my garden. Heres to some happy eating in the future!!

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