Tuesday, February 14, 2012


This week we have officially started our journey into gardening vegetables. We had our herb/onion/garlic box in our front yard but we wanted to experiment with vegetables and fruit. So we got permission from the housing authority on base to raise the ground about a foot and enclose it with wood and fill it in with dirt. They said as long as we leveled off the ground when we left the house, whenever that it, they were okay with it. So we got to work!

We went to Lowe's and bought the wood and the metal braces and got some soil. We ended up making the box 6' long by 4' wide and about 12" high. But after putting the wood into the ground it is probably more like 10-11" but who is really counting?

So after getting the box together we dumped 6 bags of soil in. Turns out that was only about half of what we needed! We also added a half a bag of cow manure to this. Then the next day we went back out and got another 3 larger bags of soil and some mushroom compost. That filled it in just about right.

So now do we wait for spring and plant those vegetables or do we do some late winter vegetables? If you know me at all then you can guess it was the second. I am very impatient and could not wait for Spring to officially get here and plant those crops. So we got some sugar peas, cauliflower, and broccoli. I also had some eyes sprouting on some red potatoes. So we planted three of those and one russet potato.....mostly for Alex.

Now we sit back and wait for the fruits of our labor to produce! I know that this small amount of planting will not keep me from buying vegetables from the grocery store. I know I will only get a couple of servings out of all of this, but it is fun to do it! And that is the most important thing. So get out your gardening tools people.....its time to garden!!

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