Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Well I guess it was bound to happen sooner or later, but I have fallen into a food slump! Ever since getting to Florida my cooking creativity has considerably fallen off. And I am not really sure why. Sure I have made some stuff, but nothing really note worthy. It seems that lately I have been pulling out meat and then not knowing AT ALL what I am going to make until 1 minute before I make it. I keep asking Alex what to make with the meat I have pulled out. And hes just as lost as I am. And he's suggesting things that are not really inside my culinary range. They are in fact below my culinary range. And I do not mean to sound egotistical or anything, but I like to make food that challenges me. I like to take my time in the kitchen and have fun with flavors and textures and colors. And right now I am making things like: Hamburger patties cooked and served with mashed potatoes and gravy. Or simple chicken tacos. And thats just not exciting to me anymore. I need things like Bahn Mi and Thai meatballs and homemade ravioli to get me going. But even those things have become a sort of norm. So I am running low on inspiration.

That being said I was talking to Alex last night about it when I got an email from the Bertolli company. They were asking if I would like to do a giveaway to promote their new line of frozen soups. So I thought about it and why not? It kinda got me excited about food again to be honest with you. So what is this giveaway? Well they are introducing 4 new flavors of frozen soups made for 2 people to share. The varieties include Chicken and Rotini Pasta, Tomato Florentine and Tortellini with Chihcken, Chicken Minestrone, and Tuscan Beef and Vegetables. For more information and photos click here.

So I will be coming up with some sort of contest to see who can fairly win the giveaway. I will be giving away a stainless steel soup ladle and 4 tasting coupons. I can assume from my interaction with these companies that it will be good for a free one in each variety or I suppose 4 free of one variety or however you prefer. But I am very excited to be chosen to do this. I'm sure it didnt mean as much as I think it meant, but Im still excited. So this is just a little taster for my giveaway in a few days. I hope that all of yall will keep reading and posting comments and feedback. I hear around that I have people who read this that I do not know. And I am flattered. So bear with me and I will start posting my food journal again. But hopefully this is the spark to ignite my culinary creative juices again! So stay tuned for my Bertolli giveaway coming soon!!

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